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Ulmus glabra



Discover the esteemed Ulmus glabra, commonly referred to as the Wych Elm, majestically situated in the picturesque and serene Pixton Woodlands. This durable and robust tree is highly regarded for its elegant, gracefully arching branches, which create a striking visual impression, and its broad, serrated leaves that offer dense, lush green foliage throughout the growing season.


This transformation of landscapes into vibrant sanctuaries of greenery is one of the most enchanting aspects of this tree. Its foliage, rich and abundant, provides a refreshing canopy that’s both soothing to the eye and beneficial to the environment.Ideally suited for extensive gardens, large parks, and expansive spaces, the Wych Elm flourishes in well-drained, fertile soils with sufficient sunlight or partial shade, ensuring optimal growth and long-term vitality.


This hardy tree's adaptability to various soil types and light conditions makes it a versatile addition to any large-scale landscaping project. Moreover, this indigenous species is straightforward to plant and maintain, making it an excellent choice for environmentally conscious landscapers and gardeners who are dedicated to nurturing natural beauty and sustainability. Its low-maintenance characteristics and resilience to various climatic conditions further enhance its appeal.Appreciate the vigorous growth and impressive, expansive canopy of the Wych Elm, which not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of its surroundings but also provides cooling shade, which is invaluable during the hot summer months.


This shade creates inviting spaces for visitors to unwind and enjoy its tranquil, natural charm. Whether acting as a majestic focal point or contributing to the overall greenery, the Wych Elm stands as a testament to nature’s artistry and resilience, inviting admiration and fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.





Product Sheet

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We offer free delivery on all orders but the method and timeline for delivery varies according to the size of plants ordered:

  • Smaller Trees and Hedging Stock (up to 5 litre pots):
     are dispatched twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, using DX for next-day delivery. Once your order is scheduled for dispatch, you will receive a notification confirming the delivery date.

  • Larger Trees (above 5 litre pots) require special handling and we arrange a two-man delivery service to ensure your order arrives safely. Once your delivery is scheduled, you will receive a notification with the expected delivery date.

  • Please note, larger trees are available for delivery from late October onwards, but where stock is shown as available you can place your order now to secure stock.

More information about deliveries can be found using the link in the main menu and footer

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